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Nov 22, 2023

How does being a software architect differ from a typical programmer? In this episode, I share the 10 aspects I've approached software architecture from that I learned over 20 years of doing it.

I was promoted to be a software architect at just 20 years old, and while I was qualified with some aspects of software...

Nov 15, 2023

One of the biggest challenges for all software developers in 2023 (and leading into 2024) - is simplifying their tech stack so work can get done. The continued explosion of boutique frameworks and libraries is making it harder than ever to manage complexity as the stack of tools and technologies we use on our...

Nov 8, 2023

Burnout is one of the most common dangers to programmers over their career, and I was no exception. Software development and programming can make it difficult to find a healthy balance between work and life. My burnout was a combination of self-inflicted bad decisions, things done to me, and circumstances in my...