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Jan 31, 2018

It's bound to happen that at some point you'll be asked to do some work that you know will have a negative outcome.

How you say no on a software project can build resentment if you don't establish clear boundaries - and decline the request with grace.

In this episode I share some tips I've found work well for diffusing...

Jan 29, 2018

No matter how experienced you are, sometimes your software tasks will be late.

How you handle this often has far reaching implications on your career and your health.

In this episode, I share some insights I've had from doing this well - and not so well.

Learning to be transparent, reset expectations, and refuse to...

Jan 29, 2018

Do the teams you work on have an "elite few" that are looked to for making technology decisions?

Are there times you wish people would work together more to drive software architecture?

In today's episode I share both good, and bad experiences I've had with team structures that effect software architecture.

It seems...

Jan 28, 2018

It's easy to blame your company when a software project seems to require so many hours, that you suffer from software project burnout.

And there certainly are companies that haven't figured out how to set deadlines in a way that expectations can be reset if things go wrong.

But you can also burn yourself out, if you...

Jan 24, 2018

Imposter syndrome is something software teams often talk negatively about, but it can actually be a sign of growth.

The feeling that you don't know what others think you do can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. We all put up with this feeling when we're new, because others expect that we don't know what...