Apr 29, 2018
Does it ever feel like the daily scrum meeting is really just a status meeting in disguise?
The daily scrum or “stand-up” meeting was created as part of the scrum methodology for agile development to reduce time wasted in meetings.
But some companies use it to gather status.
In our modern software development...
Apr 24, 2018
It can be confusing when most companies don’t make it clear how software developers can get promoted for more senior roles.
If you’re a junior developer and trying to figure out, what exactly do I need to do? – it may not be cut and dry.
Rather in this episode, I share some soft skills I’ve found in working with...
Apr 22, 2018
Software developers are often frustrated when a product manager changes the design at the last minute. But product managers are a programmer’s best friend!
In this episode, I share how your colleagues in product management are actually your biggest ally.
Whether you’re in Operations, UX,Ssupport, or any other...
Apr 18, 2018
It’s tempting to jump into refactoring code that’s hard for you to understand – but make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons!
But before you take that leap, you should probably consider that there can be some dangers.
Whether you’re coding in Java, Javascript, C#, Python, or any other language – there...
Apr 6, 2018
Have you ever been confronted with accepting circumstances you couldn’t change on your software project that were really difficult?
Maybe you don’t agree with a decision, or you’ve been forced to work in a way that you’re not happy with?
Though most of us like to think we’re able to control our career, there...