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Nov 8, 2017

Do you ever get that sinking feeling that the people running your software business don’t really know what they’re doing? Here’s 5 signs your software business is led by amateurs!

It can be practically a sport to make fun of leadership for not understanding modern software development and its...

Nov 4, 2017

Have you ever been on a software project with someone who does great work but is difficult to work with? Here’s some strategies for confronting difficult software developers about their behavior.

Before you even think about having this conversation, go into the conversation detached from the outcome you want. If...

Nov 2, 2017

Does it seem like others are turned off by you before you’re even able to fully explain yourself? Today I’d like to share 4 behaviors that stem out of our fear of being misunderstood. These can cause other software professionals to dislike and not want to work with you!

Demanding Re-Explanation

A parent will...