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Feb 28, 2018

Looking at what decisions others make about their career in software can be a big mistake.

Though having a career in software development can be exciting, there is also cause for serious caution.

In this episode, I share the 5 biggest lies I have bought myself, and I hope you don’t about your career in...

Feb 26, 2018

If you feel like a “code monkey” with pressure to work fast – you need an agile budget.

It took me many years, but I finally figured out the reason why.

Companies that try to build software like a manufacturing plant budget the wrong way.

This creates pressure on workers, and produces boring products that barely...

Feb 25, 2018

If you’ve ever had to estimate software development work, you may have engaged in “planning poker”.

This method of estimating brings with it some potential benefits.

But depending on the culture of your team, it can also cause big problems.

In this episode, I hope to avoid you falling into using this common...

Feb 20, 2018

I gained weight quickly from programming and needed help with weight loss early in my career.

I took part in the corporate events that provided unhealthy food because it was “there”…

I was accepted easier by my coworkers because I would eat the same fatty and high calorie meals that they chose…

And I fell into...

Feb 19, 2018

Too many companies and agile coaches keep the secret of scrum from people!

When agile methods of software development were first brought on the scene, they led to abuse.

Managers “cherry picked” the practices that gave them more control, but software products didn’t actually get any better!

In fact, when you ask...