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Jun 26, 2024

Want to quit working for companies as an employee, make more money, and choose the clients you work with? It might be time to go solo - as a technology consultant. To be successful, you need to be smart about how you start.

In this episode, I share the exact steps I took to become a solo technology consultant offering...

Jun 12, 2024

Programmers have to learn an incredible amount of information to even BEGIN to be effective at their job. So it's only natural that we don't like to find out something we learned - is wrong in a different context. With so much invested, being open to the possibility that there's a better way to do things can be hard.


Jun 5, 2024

Ever seen management bring in a technology consultant, and suddenly they're open to ideas you've been telling them all along? When this first happened to me, I figured technology consultants were probably just better at selling snake oil.

But halfway into my career I became a software development technology consultant,...

Jun 1, 2024

Most programmers have considered self-employment at one time or another, but fear grips them when they think about how to even get started. When I began working for myself 7 years ago, I had no idea how to transition to being self-employed, but I knew I couldn't stand working for corporations any longer.

In this...