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May 23, 2024

It's finally sinking in. Your software project is FAKE agile. Is there anything you can really do about it?

The sad reality is that more companies have fake agile software development processes than those that are authentic. You can fight tooth and nail to try and change the system, or you can accept when there's...

May 15, 2024

If you're bothered by the problems in the tech industry, I am too. But while every day we seem to hear more and more negative news about it - we're actually paying attention to the wrong problems.

There are many things wrong with the software industry, but very few we can control. And one thing we can control, is how...

May 9, 2024

Learning new technologies, frameworks, and processes as a programmer gives you a feeling of accomplishment. But unchecked, learning can become a dangerous addiction that damages your software development career.

In this episode, I share how software engineers can cap their earning potential if they fall into common...

May 1, 2024

Have you ever seen another programmer who wasn't as skilled as you get promoted? Did you tell yourself management was making a mistake?

Earlier in my career I didn't realize I was doing some things that caused managers to lose confidence in me. I would spend all my time writing code and never think about how I came...